Did you know?
Other options are available.
Did you know?
Free CE Smart Tracker for members. $30 annually for potential members.
Did you know?
Did you know?
Supporting Members pay a significantly lower member fee than working hygienists who are Professional Members.
What CEs are accepted by the NM Board of Dental Health Care for license renewal?
Christie Baca - "Team Work"
Read Christie's message to New Mexico Dental Hygienists.
NMDHA is excited to offer a new benefit to our members! AFLAC offers various options for coverage for accidents, critical care and cancer care to supplement your current health insurance plan. Click or tap here for more information.
Send your updates to NMDHADropbox@gmail.com
NMDHA represents the interests of over 1300 dental hygienists in New Mexico. This non-profit, volunteer-based professional association serves all dental hygienists in New Mexico.
Click below to donate or make payments to NMDHA!